Thursday, September 29, 2011

Week 5 Success and Failure

This Ad by Apple has very little detail yet it gets it message across to the audience. I feel this denotes everything about music and what it is. With the silhouette of the girl dancing and hair tossed everywhere, it represents life, fun, and energy. I would like to get into producing creative ads like this.

On the other hand this movie poster for the movie 2012 is quite horrible and boring. I have not seen the movie, but this poster makes me not want to watch it. There is no substance in this poster and it does not show any feeling or help the audience understand what the movie is about.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Lost, What do i do now?, Why, How, Whats next?

From the visual perspective of this photo, this man looks like he has lost everything. You can tell by the body language with his hands on his head and sitting down on the steps of a huge company, or his job, that he has no idea how he got to this point. With the lens of this photo being focused on the man and the background of the steps blurred out, anyone that looks at this photo can see that he is the main idea of this picture. The man looks tired and puzzled at why his job has let him go and he does not know where to go from here.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Meaning 2

As a Visual Communications major i chose this photo to represent the work i want to get into. These series of Coke ads are representational, abstract, and symbolic to the brand. Viewing this image from the representational aspect, these pictures depict what the brand is all about. Their slogan is "Live on the Coke side of life." This allows the user to create a mental image of what they believe Coke is. As for the abstract point of view this shows how each picture and each story lives on the coke side of life. With the images depicting the flow of objects going into the bottle, it shows how happiness can come from within. The symbolism for this piece is easily noted. The curves of the bottle denote all the way back to the first coke presentation and packaging. Even at its irreducible minimum we as the user can still identify what the product is. This allows the viewer to remember what coke stands for and that they have been around for years and have not forgotten their roots.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Meaning 1

This image represents the phone of all phones. When we see this image we automatically know what it is. The form and shape that it embodies tells us that it is a certain type of phone. The cord, dial, phone piece, and cradle gives us the definition of what it is.

With this abstract photo one can tell that it is simply a key. Although this key does not resemble our car key or door key, it is still identifiable. In the photo the key has been stripped of its detailed design yet with the shadow of the end and tip it still depicts what we know as a key. Even though this key is a much dated key than what they look like today, the tip with the ridges allows us to mentally believe that this is in fact the object we believe it to be. With the most identifiable characteristics of the phone, no mater what shape or form it evolves to, as long as it has the basic elements we are able to determine what it is.

Ever since we started drawing, we have been taught the most basic way of drawing a sun. Just by looking at the color, triangular rays, and circular center, we already know and understand that the object is a symbol of the sun. Of course in reality the sun has no resemblance whatsoever to a symbol like the one above, yet everyone can depict what it stands for and understand what it embodies. The rays are denoted by the triangular points and the roundness of the sun is denoted by the circular center.